Auge des Sturms
Do., 21. Dez.
|SERPEN' Gallery
Eröffnung der Ausstellung | Opening of the exhibition

Time & Location
21. Dez. 2023, 19:00
SERPEN' Gallery, Auguststraße 83, 10117 Berlin, Germany
About the Event
“Eye of the Storm” is a solo exhibition of the artist Yuriy Sivirin and the sculptor Vitaliy
Protosenia. The combination of their works is a synthesis of opposites. Yuriy Sivirin's
paintings are opulent and enigmatic, whether they transport scenes and images of renowned
masters into our present or revolve around the contemporary world of digital imagery. His
paintings are full of mysteries and riddles that stand in contrast with the calmness of
Protosenia’s marble sculptures. Grounding and supportive, the minimalist shapes provide
refuge amid the chaos of the canvases where images from the past collide with Twitter
images - Vitaliy Protosenia’s pure white forms are the eye of the storm. The combination of
Sivirin and Protosenia’s works suggests that a state of contemplative balance only exists
within a storm of stimuli, impressions and emotions. There is no pure energy today without
the surrounding digital load.